
World Health Organization


The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that depression is the most common mental health issue in the world.

In a recent study by the Harvard Business Review, it was found that absenteeism from work due to mental illness costs American companies an estimated $6 billion each year. In addition, employees who have untreated depression are more likely to miss days of work or show up late and are less productive on those days when they do come in.

Mental health is one of the most important aspects of employee well-being and an employer’s responsibility for their team members’ physical and emotional well-being should be taken seriously.

Mental health is an important issue and every manager should take time during Mental Health Awareness Month (May) to review their policies with regards to providing accommodations for employees who need help dealing with their mental illnesses. Here are five ways that you can support those struggling:

An employer may consider offering flexible work schedules, alternative modes o transportation like bikes or public transit; they could provide training programs in order to give employees skills such as stress relief techniques through yoga classes taught on-site at the company gym facilities among other things offered by employers nationwide.

The Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace

It is a challenging task to help struggling employees, but it’s employers’ responsibility to create an environment where they can feel safe. To effectively manage these workers with mental health issues and reduced work performance or increased stress levels in the workplace should not go unnoticed for any length of time as this could lead to implications on your company’s reputation which would hurt its overall success rate!

The Importance of Human Connection in Our Emotional Health

Employers can prevent mental health problems in the workplace by focusing on basic human connections. Mental illness isn’t an employee’s fault, and they’re not responsible for bringing it upon themselves; however, stress at work is manageable with interventions like meditation or yoga classes that will help manage their emotions better when feeling overwhelmed.

How to Handle Employees with Mental Health Issues

Employers should consider a variety of elements to help employees with mental health issues. Flexible working hours and performance management are just some examples that can be used, as well as extended resources for those who need them most—all the while strengthening the business in doing so!

How Do You Control Employees With Mental Health Issues?

Mental health issues are affecting one in six workers, and yet only 23 percent of companies provide resources for employees who experience them. If you’re not experiencing mental illness yourself it could be your colleague or manager – but don’t worry because workplace awareness can help eliminate the stigma surrounding this issue!

How to Manage an Emotionally Unstable Employee?

Kindness is your greatest ally in the fight against emotions. Take a look at recent data and see if there’s anything you can learn from them. Look for patterns in the information you gather, even if it doesn’t appear obvious.

If you believe that your friend or loved one is struggling with issues like addiction, it’s important to be supportive and offer any kind of help they need. Perhaps the greatest thing to do would be to meet in person, so book a meeting first!

Is It Possible To Be Dismissed For Having Mental Health Issues?

The Equality Act of 2010 includes legal requirements to minimize any detrimental impact on workers as a result of mental illness. These are in place, and they must be met by companies or organizations who wish their business practices not reflect negatively against those with such conditions at work – which could lead them to be unable to find employment elsewhere if this were so!

  • Making modest adjustments to enable employees to do their tasks effectively and adequately fulfill the basic responsibilities of the position are reasonable.
  • Removing hazards that may endanger workers’ health and safety.
  • Workers’ rights to privacy and confidentiality should be protected during any discussions about mental health. Without the employee’s consent, no information should be released.
  • Ensuring that no action is taken against an employee in the workplace. It is unlawful to discriminate, torment, or victimize individuals with disabilities, and mental health issues are considered part of this.


A positive and happy workplace creates the perfect environment for preventing mental illness. Toxic workplaces breed stress, which can lead to depression or other issues with mood regulation like anxiety disorders. First things first: be open about your company’s policies on employee benefits so that they know what is expected of them if something does happen; this will also help you better understand how each individual responds in different situations when it comes time for treatment!